Click on the PubMed links provided below for up-to-date articles on life sciences and biochemical topics on Coenzyme Q10


Biochemical, physiological and medical aspects of ubiquinone function.
Biochemical functions of coenzyme Q10.
Coenzyme Q10: absorption, tissue uptake, metabolism and pharmacokinetics.
Discovery of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) and an overview of function.
The evolution of coenzyme Q.


Coenzyme Q10 and absorption
Coenzyme Q10 and bioavailability
Coenzyme Q10 and bioequivalence
Coenzyme Q10 and kinetics
Coenzyme Q10 and pharmacokinetic

Biochemical function/Mechanism of action:

Biochemical functions of coenzyme Q10
Biochemical, physiological and medical aspects of ubiquinone function.
Coenzyme Q10 and antioxidant

Clinical conditions:


Coenzyme Q10 and clinical
Coenzyme Q10 and disease
Coenzyme Q10 and genetic
Biochemical functions of coenzyme Q10
Biochemical, physiological and medical aspects of ubiquinone function.
Coenzyme Q10 and antioxidant

Cardiovascular diseases:

Coenzyme Q10 and cardiovascular
Coenzyme Q10 and heart
Coenzyme Q10 and genetic
Ubiquuinol and heart failure
Coenzyme Q10 and cardiovascular disease


Coenzyme Q10 and cardiomyopathy

Heart failure:

Coenzyme Q10 and heart failure
Coenzyme Q10 and congestive


Coenzyme Q10 and arrhythmia


Coenzyme Q10 and angina

Mitral valve prolapse:

Coenzyme Q10 and mitral valve
Coenzyme Q10 and mitral valve prolapse

Bypass surgery/Ischemia-reperfusion injury:

Coenzyme Q10 and ischemia
Coenzyme Q10 and reperfusion


Coenzyme Q10 and hypertension
Coenzyme Q10 and pressure

Neurological/Neurodegenerative diseases:


Coenzyme Q10 and neurodegenerative
Coenzyme Q10 and neurological

Parkinson’s disease:

Coenzyme Q10 and parkinson's

Huntington’s disease:

Coenzyme Q10 and huntington's

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:

Coenzyme Q10 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Coenzyme Q10 and als

Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease:

Coenzyme Q10 and dementia
Coenzyme Q10 and alzheimer's

Mitochondrial diseases:

Coenzyme Q10 and mitochondrial
Coenzyme Q10 and mitochondria disease


Coenzyme Q10 and ataxia

Friedreich’s ataxia:

Coenzyme Q10 and friedreich's

Cerebellar ataxia:

Coenzyme Q10 and cerebellar ataxia

Other conditions:


Coenzyme Q10 and diabetes
Coenzyme Q10 and hyperglycemia
Coenzyme Q10 and blood glucose


Coenzyme Q10 and dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy:

Coenzyme Q10 and muscular dystrophy
Coenzyme Q10 and neuromuscular
Coenzyme Q10 and dystrophy

Kidney disease:

Coenzyme Q10 and renal
Coenzyme Q10 and renal failure
Coenzyme Q10 and kidney
Coenzyme Q10 and kidney failure

Immune function diseases:

Coenzyme Q10 and immune
Coenzyme Q10 and infection


Coenzyme Q10 and HIV
Coenzyme Q10 and AIDS


Coenzyme Q10 health professional
Coenzyme Q10 and cancer
Coenzyme Q10 and neoplasia
Coenzyme Q10 and tumor

Down’s syndrome:

Coenzyme Q10 and down's

Dental problems/Periodontal disease:

Coenzyme Q10 and skin
Coenzyme Q10 and cosmetic
Coenzyme Q10 and topical

Migraine headaches:

Coenzyme Q10 and migraine


Coenzyme Q10 and aging
Coenzyme Q10 and elderly


Coenzyme Q10 and infertility

Exercise/Athletic performance:

Coenzyme Q10 and athletic
Coenzyme Q10 and excercise

Drug interactions:

Statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs):

Coenzyme Q10 and statin
Coenzyme Q10 and reductase
Coenzyme Q10 and statins: biochemical and clinical implications

Adriamycin (Doxorubicin):

Coenzyme Q10 and doxorubicin
Coenzyme Q10 and adriamycin
Coenzyme Q10 and anthracycine


Coenzyme Q10 and gemfibrozil

Beta blockers:

Coenzyme Q10 and beta blockers


Coenzyme Q10 and neuroleptic
Coenzyme Q10 and phenothiazine


Coenzyme Q10 and warfarin

Safety/Adverse effects:

Coenzyme Q10 and safety
Coenzyme Q10 and tolerability
Coenzyme Q10 and toxicity
Coenzyme Q10 and genotoxic
Coenzyme Q10 and mutagenic
ubiquinol and toxicity
ubiquinol and tolerability
ubiquinol and safety
ubiquinol and mutagenic
ubiquinol and genotoxic

CoQ10 Product Sheets

Click on any of the images below to download a PDF version of our product sheets

Looking to enhance your existing product line or create a new one?

The applications for the Q-Gel® product line have an extended reach. Tishcon Corp., one of the leaders in Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) research, education and contract manufacturing can provide all our products in bulkpacks or labeled in consumer packages to your specifications.

Contact Tishcon